Regions businesses ride wave of success thanks to Pro

Regions businesses ride wave of success thanks to Pro
Champion surfer Courtney Conlogue frequently visits Yahava Koffeeworks in Margaret River while in town. Photo: James Bunting
The new Aravina Surf Museum and Gallery captures the essence of WA surfing. Photo: Tim Campbell
The new Aravina Surf Museum and Gallery captures the essence of WA surfing. Photo: Tim Campbell
Ross Williams and Kelly Slater at Gnarabup's Floating Euphoria.
2016 Margaret River Pro champion Tyler Wright joined Carissa Moore at Surfers Point. Photo: James Bunting
The annual cricket match between the pro surfers and locals is a great way for the athletes to step away from the surfing for a moment. Photo: James Bunting
Davey Cathels with world number one Matt Wilkinson at the Margaret River Chocolate Factory. Photo: Joli Photos
Settlers Tavern's Rob Gough said the venue was proud to support and welcome surfers and staff from the event each year.
Stella Bella's Luke Jolliffe said the Margaret River Pro celebrated what life in the region was all about.
Last year alone, the Margaret River Pro, the third stop on the World Surf League (WSL) Championship Tour (CT), generated a $5.4-million economic boost for the region and has generated over $20 million since the event was granted top tier status in 2013.
An independent report commissioned by Tourism Western Australia showed that the event attracted over 6,200 visitors to the region, who stayed more than 28,000 nights.
Over 223 hours of broadcast vision was beamed onto millions of televisions around the world, in fact, 640,000 were confirmed viewers in just the USA and Australia alone.
Online, its viewed by millions of adoring surf fans in all corners of the globe who tune into the free live stream that is interspersed with postcard vision of stunning Margaret River scenery including wineries, forests, caves, coastline and more, promoting it as a fantastic holiday destination.
Champion surfer Kelly Slater at Floating Euphoria in Gnarabup.
Margaret River Busselton Tourism Association CEO Claire Savage said the Pro provided unparalleled exposure for the region.
“Surfing is synonymous with an active outdoors lifestyle – the Pro showcases the region, its clean, beautiful ocean and coastline as well as all the surrounding natural attractions to an engaged global audience of millions,” Ms Savage said.
“Accommodation in the region is at (or near) capacity and the restaurants are buzzing as thousands of visitors flock to the region for the Pro, while millions more watch online. It has a positive impact on local tourism businesses and a huge impact on the region as a whole.”
Rok Kombucha Margaret River Founder Amanda Carroll agreed saying her product, made from local ingredients, benefited from being a part of the event.
“The professional surf athletes who compete in the Pro are understandably very health conscious and were proud to align our business with the sports top tier competition,” Ms Carroll said.
“We love Margaret River and love that it hosts a world class event that brings the worlds best surfers to our shores.”
Stella Bella chief winemaker Luke Jolliffe.
Stella Bella Chief Winemaker Luke Jolliffe said the event encompassed the Margaret River lifestyle.
“The Margaret River Pro is an iconic world class event that brings the worlds best surfers and showcases the Margaret River region to the world,” he said.
“The Pro really celebrates what the Margaret River lifestyle is all about – amazing surf, food, wine and arts. Were very proud to support this event and look forward to sharing our wines and the good times this year.”
“Settlers Tavern is iconic to hospitality and entertainment in Margaret River just as the Margaret River Pro is to world-class surfing,” said Settlers Tavern Managing Director Rob Gough
“The Tav was built as a haven during the emerging surf culture in the 1970s. The Pro is an important event for Margaret River – it continues to put the region in the mind of surfers around the world – they see the epic waves and stunning scenery, and when they can, they visit and surf those waves themselves.
“We believe its important to give back to the community and sponsoring the Margaret River Pro like weve done for the past 20 years is one way we do that.”
Gnarabup business owner Simon Tien said sponsoring the competition allowed him to showcase Floating Euphoria to the sports elite.
“This is our second year sponsoring the Pro and were thrilled to support it again. Last year we had several professional surf athletes enjoy the benefits of a float all thanks to the Pro – including John John Florence and the legend himself Kelly Slater,” said Mr Tien.
“I cant think of a better event that showcases our beautiful coastline and natural surrounds to those who appreciate it the most, surfers. Its wonderful for the region, for local businesses like ours and for surf fans across the planet.”
Australias South West CEO Catrin Allsop said the advent of new technology added another layer of exposure for the region.
“The Margaret River Pro showcases our stunning region like no other event can via live streaming to an audience of millions around the world, in particular to surfers and surf fans, many of whom are also lovers of the natural environment,” said Ms Allsop.
“Were proud to support the Margaret River Pro because it generates many different benefits for the region – from promoting its assets to attracting thousands of visitors – which in turn creates an economic boost for our members and other local businesses.”
Dont forget to stay up to date with the very latest results and news from the 2018 Margaret River Pro event site at
Margaret River Mail