Angel Wife of Hero Cop Killed by Illegal Alien: ‘Trump Promised no DACA, no Deals … Keep Your Promise’

“President Trump should fulfill his promise to the United States of America and to American citizens that voted for him,” said Angel Wife Ruth Johnston Martin of the White House’s Thursday-revealed amnesty proposal. “And what did he promise? He promised no DACA, no deals.”
Martin, an ordained chaplain and board member of The Remembrance Project, made her comments on Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with co-hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.
“We say no to this bill,” said Martin. “No to DACA; no to amnesty.”
Angel Families’ support for Trump is based on the president’s stated opposition to amnesty, said Martin.
“[Donald Trump] was the only candidate to respond to our organization’s – The Remembrance Project’s – concern over illegal immigration,” said Martin. “He wasn’t seeing this as a soft subject. He saw it as severe. People are losing their lives, and he came out to Houston, Texas, to our conference. He sat around our table with all our Angel Families, and he listened to our stories one-by-one. He heard about our losses.”
Martin hoped that Trump’s meetings with Angel Families would compel a rejection of legislative amnesty proposals built around the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy.
“Most of all, I can only hope and pray that he remembers the images – the faces of our loved ones – that we wore on our t-shirts, because he sat there and he looked at us and he heard our cries. I can only hope and pray that he fulfills his promise and says no to DACA and amnesty,” said Martin.
While expressing support for Trump, Martin called on the president to reflect on his meetings with Angel Families and to reject amnesty proposals.
“It’s a simple request,” said Martin. “It’s a simple plan, enforce the laws that are already on the books and keep your promise. We support you, President Trump. We absolutely support him. We voted for him based on his promises to stop illegal immigration, and I can only hope and pray that when President Trump makes his final decision about DACA, that he’s going to remember meeting with the Angel Families at the Remembrance Conference in Texas, and that he’s going to remember our faces and our stories, that he’s going to remember seeing our tears.”
“The solution is very simple. All we want is for our existing laws to be enforced. All we want is for our borders to be secured. All we would like to see is a mandate for E-Verify,” added Martin, listing her policy preferences toward reducing illegal immigration.
Amnesty advocates are overlooking the suffering of Angel Families while prioritizing the interests of illegal aliens at the expense of the national interest, said Martin.
“Here we are, the families and American citizens; we have suffered so much, and they’re concerned about displacing people back to their countries of origin,” said Martin. “They’re not concerned about American citizens like me who are displaced, and I have to visit my husband at a cemetery. Why not the concern or the tears over what we’ve been through? It’s such an injustice. It’s so hard to comprehend that this is what we’ve become in the United States.”
Americans will continue being killed and murdered by illegal aliens if the status quo of immigration is unchanged, said Martin.
“If we don’t get control of illegal immigration, there are more fatalities, there are more broken families, there are more generations that will cease to exist because of what’s happening in this country at the hands of those who have invaded this country,” said Martin.
Martin reflected on the shared dreams she and her late husband were deprived of.
“I can’t tell you how many times that we cried together, because all we wanted was a life together as husband and wife, with children, to purchase a home, to grow old together, and to have beautiful little grand-babies running around, but this was our life, and we did the best that we could with that,” said Martin.
Martin’s husband, El Monte Police Officer Don Johnston, was shot in the neck by an illegal alien during a bank robbery in 1990 and was instantly paralyzed. He died 12 years later as result of his injuries.
“My beautiful husband took his last breath on November 22 of 2002,” said Martin. “His death was rightfully deemed an in-the-line-of-duty death. It took a few years to take him down, but that bullet did its job; it took him down.”
Martin described her husband’s degeneration of health and ultimate death as similar to that of Christopher Reeve’s story, pointing to the shared spinal cord injury.
The illegal alien who shot Martin’s husband was sentenced to 17 years imprisonment. He eventually committed suicide in jail.
“I’ll never forget the day that we went to court,” said Martin. “The man that shot my husband sitting before us and they sentenced him to 17 years. We were just so numb, because our life was completely upside down. All of our dreams were not going to happen, they were not going to come to fruition. The prosecutor talked to us after he was sentenced, and she told us that he was in this country illegally, and that once he completed his sentence that he would most likely be facing deportation. But you know, this man hung himself in his cell.”
Many criminally violent illegal aliens, said Martin, are protected by “sanctuary” policies obstructing state and local law enforcement coordination with federal immigration authorities.
“We’re the lucky ones, believe it or not, because we don’t have to see the person that committed this crime being released back out into society,” said Martin. “Like is happening in California, when ICE is not notified when these criminals are being released back into our streets to prey on more Americans.”
Government negligence drives illegal immigration, said Mansour. “Dreams were cut shot by a country that’s just not enforcing its laws, and that is not treating its citizens properly,” said Mansour to Martin. “A government that doesn’t care anymore about the well-being of its own citizens.”
Martin called for federal prosecution of state officials violating federal immigration law. “Especially in California – this is really important – we want to see prosecution of elected officials under Title 8 Section 1324 who legislate for illegal aliens instead of Americans,” she said. “It is obscene what’s taking place in California.”
Democrats broadly support amnesty and citizenship for illegal immigrants in order to bolster their base of political support, said Martin, describing illegal aliens as a potential cohort of Democrat voters.
“[The reason why] those who are writing the laws [and] representing us are not talking about it is because they’re more concerned about illegal immigrants than they are about American citizens,” said Martin. “I see this as they’re concerned about getting this huge blue wave, this tsunami of potential voters. Why are they doing this? Why are they allowing them to stay?”
Breitbart News Tonight airs Monday through Friday on SiriusXM’s Patriot channel 125 from 9:00 p.m. to midnight Eastern (6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Pacific).
Follow Robert Kraychik on Twitter @rkraychik.
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